data growth

Backup Tapes Help Manage Growing Data

By Michael
February 4, 2015

Modern data tape technology is nothing like the versions that first entered the marketplace decades ago. Within the past ten years, data tapes have developed exponentially to the where they are now a preferable option to disks for data backup.

Data growth drives backup tape development
As the information age progresses, it is growing ever more difficult to find adequate ways to protect and store data for the long-term. Ironically, the strategy most suitable to help companies cope with unwieldy levels of data is one that’s been around for years – magnetic tapes.

According to a memo from the Tape Storage Council titled Data Growth and Technology Innovations Fuel Tape’s Future, increases in data tape capacity, performance and functionality have allowed the format to thrive. Additionally, tape is also the most cost-effective solution, even with its growing proficiency. A study from Digital Universe indicated that the amount of data in the world doubles every two years. With that much information to store, organizations need a reliable, inexpensive method – and tapes have become that choice.

To show the direction tapes are heading, consider this. Currently, open systems users can store more than 300 Blu-ray movies on a LTO-6 2.5TB cartridge. LTO-10 cartridges – yet to come – will have the capacity to hold upwards of 14,400 Blu-ray movies. This advance bodes well for companies looking to store huge quantities of data in a safe, dependable format.

A maintenance plan for the archives
With data growth comes another necessary consideration: the data backup tape management system. Fortunately, this can be just as powerful and easily incorporated as the tapes themselves. Platforms like Vertices from B&L Associates give organizations the ability to track tape inventory, produce a centralized tracking report, alert users when tapes are ready for expiration and more. With a strong media management plan, backup tapes have a bright future.

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