Why Cloud Computing Makes Sense…for Some.

By Michael
September 22, 2009

One of the key selling points of cloud computing is that a company can pick and choose IT services from a provider (or, ideally, several providers) as needed, but not have to invest in building up its own IT infrastructure. Need a database host? Want software to audit your inventory? Need more bandwidth? No problem. They’re all just a click away.

In an example from our own business, some of our customers prefer not to incur the operational costs of owning a tape management system (e.g., maintenance and upgrading of the system). They have chosen to use B&L’s Vaultledger OnDemand product and receive the full functionality of VaultLedger over the Web, or cloud.

Our customers can now control their backup tapes from any computer—anywhere in the world—with an Internet connection. All maintenance and upgrades to servers and software are performed by B&L from our facility, and are covered in the subscription fee.

Cloud computing is probably most advantageous for small to medium-sized businesses. It allows them a level of technology and services that in previous years would have taken a large capital investment.

“True” cloud computing should allow for ultimate scalability.  And a payment structure that is often likened to that of a utility bill—only paying for as much or as little as is used.

Right now cloud computing is still in its infancy. As bandwidth becomes cheaper and easier to access, the technology and its acceptance should grow.

But how does anyone provide security for all this data? And, if documents or files are lost in the cloud, who is legally responsible for that missing data? The vendor? The client?

Something to think about.

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