Backup Tape Management

Managing processes requires better backup tape management tools

By Michael
September 2, 2014

The modern business environment is one that’s filled with threats and complexity, but backup tape management can help resolve many of these fears and concerns. Due to ongoing issues with organizations launching themselves into the cloud without bothering to protect themselves on the back end, there’s greater issues now than ever before about how corporations are supposed to block threats.

This seems to be what’s driving more organizations toward backup tape management and disaster recovery resources, as Channelnomics stated. The likelihood of disaster is increasingly on the rise, the source noted, with the liability involved in these processes growing in direct response to more digital infrastructure without as much faith in or use of legacy storage solutions.

The biggest problem that organizations need to overcome, as the source noted, is that over 95 percent of corporate workstations have no kind of backup tape management connection. That means all the content on these machines, whether it’s legacy files or data created that week in the cloud, will never have a backup copy of it anywhere in corporate operations. Should a disaster occur, none of those resources will be available, jeopardizing a whole range of business functions.

Some firms are taking a lesson from these harsh realities, ComputerWeekly noted. For instance, the University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Trust are backing up their data centers from three specific medical centers. This comes in the wake of a major breach that occurred back in 2009, wherein the firm lost 5TB of data. However, an existing backup tape resource helped with disaster recovery and mitigation. By recognizing such opportunities and capabilities, firms can put into place tape tools now that, like with NHS, stop extreme damage from taking place if an attack should occur.

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