How modern tape storage assets with app management

By Michael
August 7, 2014

As modern enterprise solutions continue to evolve and expand, backup tape storage and archive data management needs to keep up with the speed and fluidity of these services. That said, it’s best for unified communications and application lifecycle control that businesses are making sure that their storage tools are keeping pace with their software and new-age implementations.

Digital data centers
There’s much more focus these days in some enterprise circles toward cloud and virtualized architecture. However, as Forbes stated, there needs to be proper attribution of services that match with what business infrastructure is supposed to accomplish so that all corporate resources are meeting their desired expectations.

The source pointed out that all apps have a certain data center profile that best fit their operating demands. Some of these require light workloads and speedy throughput, while others are more concerned about accuracy and depth of services.

For instance, a mobile app may need a better tape storage option for greater accuracy in audit and compliance situations. It could also demand access to archive information oversight in order to maintain thorough and accurate long-term assets.

What’s most important, the source clarified, is that IT leaders and enterprise implementation are all aimed toward the best services to facilitate their service loads. That’s been giving rise to greater demands for archive tape storage and backup solutions. When storage capacity and longevity are critical for infrastructure success, it’s important that companies are careful to take these particular tape requirements into account.

Specialized demands
Apart from just the kind of data loads different apps carry, there’s also the concept of security and information governance. In some sectors, such as finance and health care, there’s a greater stress placed on protecting information from misuse.

This is giving more weight to the need for backup tape storage and archive support, as keeping all essential information live on a mobile device or in a cloud server could result in compliance and safety concerns. The Knowledge Online stated that data oversight and careful cultivation remain critical to successful enterprise information management.

Magnetic storage provides the stability and reliability of legacy operations while also allowing for more unified communications capabilities. Providing the right coverage and protection ensures that financial, confidential and essential information are all properly available and secure at all times.

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