How backup tape management solves restoration issues

By Michael
July 14, 2014

The process of restoring operations to an older point in enterprise history requires a thorough and concise backup tape management solution. That’s because the volume of information an organization has to work with is growing about 50 percent a year, as Forbes stated, and that means far more data and greater siloing issues than ever before.

Overcoming these kinds of concerns, the source added, requires that companies expand their current recovery objectives and work on expanding their backup windows. Such ideas can be difficult to grasp with the limited space, reliability and durability of more modern tools like cloud or flash storage. Instead, tape tracking solutions and backup tape inventories provide a low-cost alternative that’s safe from outside incursions and, with the right software, able to monitor internal threats as well.

Forbes added that diversified tape opportunities are the answer to freeing up more backup time and increasing fluidity for these windows. At the same time, executing deduplication in a time-efficient way can reduce overall server and data center sizes, so long as essential files aren’t scrapped in the process.

The focus for firms needs to be on RTOs as well as ROI when it comes to protecting enterprise operations.  Enterprise Storage Forum stated that creating a purpose-built backup and deduplication appliance should be added to every organization’s list of things-to-do for that reason. These solutions help meet compliance and recovery standards, as well as simplifying the backup process.

Using B&L’s Vertices in tandem with such tools increases effectiveness of tape backup management and recovery points. Reducing risk and enabling rapid audit responses ensures that there’s no chance for human error, as well as ease in recovery when the time comes.

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