Happy Data Protection Day? Depends on your situation

By Michael
January 31, 2013

Data Privacy Day started back in 2008 in the United States in response to the data protection holiday celebrated in the United Kingdom every January 28th. The U.S. even went so far as to make the entire month of January into Data Privacy Month, but seeing how this event has already been filtered back down to a single day in the five years of its existence, it’s clear that companies may not be taking this critical aspect of hard disk management very seriously.

A lack of uniformity
Indiana University wrote that data protection requirements are increasingly important on a global scale, as natural disasters and man-made attacks continue to thwart existing backup and continuity fail​-safes. While the event is meant to commemorate the first privacy and data protection law signed into existence, most firms overlook the date.

Part of this reluctance to acknowledge security and privacy guidelines in American companies could lie in the real and perceived issues firms are encountering in enacting these resources in their own establishments. The International Association of IT Asset Managers reported that roughly 90 percent of corporations have diversified their hard disk management tools by adding mobile and cloud options, yet almost half of these firms feel their control over mobile devices and data is lackluster. On top of that, less than half say they have security features for smartphones and tablets that prevent intrusions, track lost devices or require employees to backup their resources on a regular basis.

Keeping track of assets
Keeping tabs on corporate data doesn’t mean that businesses should limit the way staff members can interact with these assets, though. InformationWeek wrote that implementing better security, encryption programs and file tracking software can help reduce the risk associated with new devices and access capabilities. Data loss prevention technology such as software-as-a-service deployments, enhanced password and encryption keys and advanced governance solutions can create an environment with more guaranteed protection.

Companies that adhere to these policies closely are finding ways to distinguish themselves, T3 reported, displaying Fair Data badges on their websites and making a point of advertising better security features and data management to consumers. If these messages become the norm, other companies may feel pressured to adopt similar solutions in order to keep up with consumer demand for better safety. When people are confident in a company, they may be more likely to bring their business there, rather than a company that makes no outward effort to show consideration for personal security.

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