File tracking software and the fight against data thieves

By Michael
December 7, 2012

There are a number of ways that data purity can be corrupted, be it from an internal error or an external access point, but companies need a reliable way of monitoring the status of their files and determining when these instances occur. They should also be able to pinpoint exactly when and where the issue exists, lock down the affected region to stop further damage and track down the source of the incursion.

If that sounds like too tall an order, file tracking software would probably be a good option.

Email and online correspondence
In order to remain compliant with document maintenance and other requirements, companies have to keep a record of their files, sometimes for years at a time, including everything they have generated during that time. On top of that, they need to be able to recall it in a timely fashion, should they be audited, and so they can use it themselves in a constructive way. Having a system that can monitor individual files stored for the long-term is ideal in order to make sure nothing untoward happens to them.

Beyond any of that, though, file tracking software is crucial for detecting threats. The right system can alert to an ongoing problem with speed and accuracy. An email-based client can see who has viewed the information in a correspondence chain, which can be helpful in avoiding malware and other scams, as a seemingly-legitimate file can show indications of corruption when reviewing who has seen and used the document in the past.

Since the expansion of the online universe is increasing the reach of businesses of all kinds on a daily basis, such a system is also useful for maintaining the security of online files. Networking hard drive and backup tape storage into virtual cloud deployments creates hybrid solutions that many companies want, for instance, but a file tracking program is essential for ensuring that these documents are not tampered with in that setting.

A recent virus outbreak, for instance, is targeting companies that run on Windows 7 and 8, according to CSO Online, and specifically triggers the AutoRun feature. Instead of doing what users expect this function to do, the malware launches programs at will, going through files and transferring them to an online source. File tracking software can indicate this problem is occurring  and help companies track down the root, shut off the program from its source and remove documents from malicious reach before it become a serious data quality issue or breach .

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