Business leaders baffled by big data

By Michael
September 28, 2012

There is no question that information is exploding all over the IT landscape. It’s expected to exceed to petabyte range in the next 10 years, reaching the zettabyte level for unquantified data and resulting in an overwhelming wall of numbers in need of crunching. Even after working out the fat on these figures, reducing duplication and expelling records with no use in the storage system, there will still be a vast amount of documentation to be managed.

Wrangling the issue

Standing between better backup tape management and current practices are business leaders themselves, according to the Harvard Business Review (HBR). The source wrote that, across the board, high level executives don’t have a good grasp on what big data is, how to use it or what the value of accessing the metrics contained therein can be. Without better insight, there is no way that these authorities will break through the IT wall and make headway on wrangling the information pouring into the corporate infrastructure on a daily basis.

As the HBR pointed out, simply having access to big data resources does not make them valuable by default. It’s using these tools that creates metrics and analytics that corporations can manipulate for future success.

Measuring uncertainty
When it comes to critical decision making processes, executives like to know everything about an item before choosing whether to invest or not. Big data adoption and implementation could be struggling most due to a lack of communication with leaders about what exactly this subject is and how it can work to their benefit.

It is possible that this is the basis of the whole lack of big data usage, according to eChannel Online. The source reported that, according to a CompTIA study, about one-third of corporate players involved in the decision-making teams of IT and management had a good understanding of how big data works and what it does, but that means more than 60 percent of the business world has relatively no clue.

As leaders and corporate decision makers, these people should be taking action to learn about new technology and trends, but that does not seem to be the case. The source wrote that researchers involved in the study were surprised at the lack of comprehension, considering how long these systems and terms have been present in the information marketplace.

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