Backup tape management makes for more security enforcement

By Michael
May 21, 2014

The presence of backup tape hardware and software in the modern business landscape seems to be shifting toward the recovery and archive setting. However, these tools are pretty easy to customize and flexible enough to ensure ease of use and integration into the business landscape outside its emerging typical assignments. These kinds of labels simply serve to restrict the true nature of backup tape solutions, as corporations learn that there’s more to be made of long-term hardware management and storage.

Ensuring success
Scientific American stated that there are increasing influences in the enterprise landscape in terms of magnetic tape’s importance and ongoing usage in more than just a backup capacity. The source noted that storage cassettes and information management are emerging as major resources for information oversight and database mitigation. What’s more, there’s more storage than ever before in the enterprise landscape as Scientific American noted, making it easier to imagine this hardware fitting other needs.

Specifically, the source hinted that there are increasing interests in using backup tape solutions in the everyday information oversight landscape. This ideal originates and resonates due to the increased capacity that these tools have to offer, generating at least 185 terabytes of information oversight and control at a time. Whether this information is housed in raw mode or through Bluetooth settings, the system oversight and uniform backup tape management controls ensure that all of these resources are stored in a usable and unique format that simplifies retrieval for authorized users.

Monitoring mishaps
Silicon Angle added that there’s a growing need for integrated and hybrid information management, with backup tape solutions interfacing with cloud deployments, mobile assets and other kinds of new and trending technology. While it’s important that enterprise IT infrastructure entertains these kinds of technology, there are needs that business security and safety that can’t be appeased simply by insisting that certain security features will be upheld.

The use of B&L’s Vertices software helps corporations keep their operation in-house and integrate it only into the kinds of infrastructure that manage to oversee the best kinds of flexibility. Vertices ensures that there’s a unified portal for accessing, reviewing and securing information. There’s also plenty of flexibility in terms of oversight and implementation in terms of data control and backup tape compliance, thereby allowing for ease of integration and management of corporate solutions.

New:Wed, 21 May 2014 09:00:10 -0400

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